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Subject Help
How do I reset my password?
What are the different assignment types and submission formats?
I want to report an error in a lesson.
I'm having technical difficulties.
Is Subject right for me?
Upholding Academic Integrity at Subject
New Educator Homepage
How can I edit a learner's information?
How can I bulk enroll students into courses?
How can I enroll or unenroll an existing learner in a course?
How can I see my learners' scores?
How can I create a new section?
How can I bulk assign users to sections?
How can I delete pending invites?
How can I copy an invite link?
How can I export scores for my section?
How to Mark a Student's Course as Complete
How do I add and remove students from my roster and create sections?
How do I pace a course?
How can I export scores for a specific learner?
How can I access the learner view?
Finding Answer Keys for Auto-scored Assignments on the Educator Portal
How can I resend invite emails?
How can I give my learner an extra assignment, quiz or exam attempt?
How do I use the Scorebook Feature?
How do I move enrollments to a different section?
How do I lock and unlock assignments?