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How do I pace a course?

Learn how to pace a course and set due dates.

Written by Jack S
Updated over a week ago

Video Walkthrough

Step-by-Step Walkthrough

1) Login

Log into the Educator Portal.

2) Course Manager

Select the Course Manager tab in the left navigation bar.

3) Sections

Use the sections dropdown to choose if you want to set pacing for All Sections or a specific section.

TIP: Selecting a specific section allows you to pace for ‘All students’ within a course or an individual student.

4) Select Course

Once on the Pacing page, you can use the courses dropdown to choose which course to set target due dates for.

5) Topic and Assignment Level

Pacing can be set both at the topic level or assignment level. If pacing is set at the topic level, all assignments within that topic will be given the same target due date.

6) Assignment Level

To set pacing at the assignment level, click the + sign on the far right to see all assignments within the topic.

TIP: If you opened the assignment level dropdown and want to return to the topic level, you can do so by clicking the [Reset] button.

7) Quick Assign

To populate automatic due dates, click on Quick Assign, input a preferred start and end date then click confirm. This will evenly pace out due dates.

TIP: If you would like to allow due dates to fall on weekends, check the box next to ‘Allow target dates to be set on weekends.’

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What pace do you recommend for most learners?

Subject's recommended pace is for learners to complete 1 topic per week.

2. Can I update target due dates after they've been set?

Yes, target due dates can be updated at any time, including to dates in the past.

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