From within the Educator Portal, the Subject platform offers the ability to change the Section for one or multiple Enrollments. Sections allow Educators to group Enrollments according to shared characteristics. The ability to adjust sections, along with the ability to create new sections, empowers educators to organize their classes on demand.
How To:
Navigate Enrollments
To access Enrollments from the Educator Portal > press the Roster tab on the left side of the page and select All sections, or a specific Section.
Additionally, you can filter by Active/Completed enrollments and Course, using the drop downs in the header.
Move to a new Section
To modify an Enrollment(s) Section, use the filters mentioned in Navigate Enrollments above to view the Enrollments you'd like to change.
Use the check boxes to select one, some, or all of the Enrollments displayed.
Press Move Enrollments.
Select the Section you'd like to move to > press Move enrollment.
A note on permissions:
Please be advised that accounts with Teacher status will only be able to view/modify enrollments within their own section(s). Accounts with Admin status will be able to view/modify enrollments school wide.