Step-by-Step Walkthrough
Follow the steps below to export a CSV file of scores for a section of learners.
1) Login
Log into the Educator Portal.
2) Select Section
Select the section you'd like to export scores for.
3) Select Course
Select the course you'd like to export scores for.
4) Export Score
Click Export Scores in the top right.
5) Confirm
For a basic export, ignore the gradebook selection and click Confirm.
TIP: If you would like to link the scores from this export to an external gradebook, follow the steps in "How can I export scores from Subject to an external gradebook?"
6) Download
Clicking Confirm will automatically download a CSV file of your section's scores.
The CSV contains all learners in the section for the selected course. The learners are ordered alphabetically by last name.
The columns are:
Last Name
First Name
Attempted Score
This is the score the learner has earned on attempted coursework. It does not factor in any incomplete or missing coursework.
Course Completion Percentage
Names of all coursework items in the order they appear in the course
The second row shows Total Points Possible for each coursework item.
The values in each learner's rows correspond to the score that they earned on each coursework item.
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